Slavenka Drakulić 

Can Hollywood tell the truth about the war in Bosnia?

Slavenka Drakulić: Angelina Jolie's In the Land of Blood and Honey was bound to draw controversy when people still live in denial

In the Land of Blood and Honey pr
In the Land of Blood and Honey, directed by Angelina Jolie (above), focuses on the relationship between a Muslim artist and a Serbian police officer in Bosnia. Photograph: Miscevic Marko/Rex Photograph: MISCEVIC MARKO/CROPIX/SIPA / Rex/Miscevic Marko/CROPIX/SIPA/Rex

When you decide to shoot a film about a war in the country where that war happened – even if it is long over – you should expect some complications. This is what happened to Angelina Jolie when she decided to film In the Land of Blood and Honey, her directorial debut, in Bosnia last year. Women raped in the war demanded that the authorities forbid her from making it, and especially from filming it in Bosnia. The love story between a raped woman and a perpetrator, they said, could not have happened. So, Jolie proceeded to film in Hungary.

She would be very naive not to have expected controversy after the film opened in Sarajevo earlier this week. But she probably did not expect physical threats, which were apparently made against her and several members of the cast. If, however, we put these aside, there are a few things that any artist deciding to fictionalise any war in any form should be aware of.

First and foremost, after a war, it is very hard for people to face the truth about their own role in it. They simply don't want to hear it. Serbs from Serbia, for example, lived for 15 years in denial of being the aggressors. It took the Serbian parliament's "declaration on Srebrenica" less than two years ago, condemning the killing of more than 8,000 Bosnian Muslims, to recognise that. And all warring sides still voice general odium for the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) as it continues trying their war criminals, whom they still consider to be heroes. Trials at the ICTY are important because justice without truth is hardly possible, and the truth is, bit by bit, creeping out. Yet, it takes time, maybe generations, of hard work by judges, historians, teachers, journalists, artists and ordinary people to overcome ideology and achieve not only the historical truth but also a consensus on what to do with it.

The other thing an author dealing with war is likely to encounter is that people who have experienced war are usually very distrustful of and sensitive to "outsiders". They believe that, because of their experience, they have sole ownership over it and that they alone have the moral right to tell the world about it. Never mind that they are perhaps unable to express themselves or do not know how to do it. Others, coming from the outside – whether from Hollywood or from Zagreb – are considered intruders who simply cannot understand and may even have suspicious intentions. In short, as far as this film is concerned, it boils down to the attitude that if you are not a woman who has suffered mass rape in a camp, then you have no right to talk about it. Of course, I am exaggerating here a little. But the idea that, in order to tell a story, you not only need knowledge, and the experience of a particular event, but also talent, does not come into the equation in such discussions about the moral right to recount what happened.

And then, as well as suspicion, there is also envy to take into account: while we suffered, these people – journalists, writers, directors – profited from our suffering. They gained fame from writing, filming or reporting about us and they made money exploiting us. There is almost the suggestion that it would have been better had they not written about or reported on such atrocities at all.

As a writer and journalist myself, I have encountered all of these reactions, especially with my book about the mass rapes of Bosnian women, S. – A Novel About the Balkans. My novel was based on the accounts of the women themselves, but the critics in Bosnia did not welcome it, although the women themselves did, as well as the international press. When in 2010 a young Irish director, Juanita Wilson, made a film from the novel with a local cast and in the local languages, called As If I Am Not There, it was not particularly well-received in the region. After its premiere, which took place in Sarajevo, it was pretty well ignored. I suspect that was both because of the difficult subject matter and the distaste for outsiders "appropriating" it.

Of course, when a big Hollywood star gets involved, it means much more publicity and glamour, and more controversy as well. While the Muslim daily Dnevni Avaz hails Jolie as "the Angel of Bosnia" and compares her film in importance to the Dayton agreement, calling it "a historical document", one should not be surprised if some Serbs feels provoked by it and threaten her. But a wise person should take such exaggerated plaudits with a grain of salt. The same goes for anonymous threats from people who are only trying to use the film for their own local political purposes.

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